The Buffalo Jump

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Today our story is The Buffalo Jump by Peter Roop, illustrated by Bill Farnsworth, read by Dakota Uåçi Belinda. About the story:  Little Blaze wants to be the buffalo runner who leads the herd over the buffalo jump cliff. Each jump means food for his people and new buffalo skins for robes and lodges. A […]

MUSEUM MONDAY — Robyn Knecht
Equine Therapy — Meet Our Horses

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

To the Lakota, a šúŋkawakȟán — horse — is a relative. A four-legged friend and companion that provided transportation, friendship, and pride. The horse is revered for its grace and bravery. Today, many Lakota people still look to the horse to provide healing from trauma, anxiety, and mental and emotional distress, among others. Healing from internal or […]


Geraldine Goes In Center
History of Lakota Food & Diet

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Jerry Goes In Center presents the history of the diet of Lakota people, covering pre-reservation, early reservation, and present time. The presentation includes information on the types of food Lakota people consumed and how foods were preserved and prepared. About the Presenter:  Geraldine (Jerry) Goes In Center, Oglala Lakota, and Great-granddaughter of William Lip (Pute), […]



Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Jace DeCory presents the topic of Lakota thought and philosophy regarding the outlook on cultural values and the environment, including climate change, sacred Lakota sites, and environmental justice.  DeCory’s presentation weaves these issues into a discussion of the concept of wólakota — being in balance with the world around us — physically, mentally, emotionally, and […]

St. Joseph’s Indian School Powwow

Our Annual Powwow will once again be in-person this September! The public is invited to St. Joseph's Indian School to take part in a weekend dedicated to honoring the Lakota culture. Get the full details: Add to your Facebook calendar:

Holiday Open House!

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

30% off storewide! Door Prizes • Free Gifts • Refreshments Open 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM    

Festival of Trees

Brule County Courthouse 300 S Courtland St, Chamberlain, SD, United States

The museum is participating in the community Festival of Tress with a Giving Tree.  Our tree is located at the Brule County Courthouse with mittens and dreamcatchers available for visitors to take and/or share with a friend or loved one.      

Merry Christmas — Christ Tuŋpí! 

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

The museum will be closed December 23-26, 2022, in observance of the Christmas holiday.    

Happy New Year!

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Ómaka Téca Oíyokipi — Happy New Year! The museum will be closed on January 2, 2023, in observance of the New Year!

Greet the Dawn

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities. Today our story is Greet the Dawn: The Lakota Way written and illustrated by S.D. Nelson. A cultural activity will follow […]

Mní Kin Ówaŋča

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST.  The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities.  Our story today is Mní Kin Ówaŋča – Water is Everywhere read by Uŋčí LaRayne.  The story is written by the […]

Navigating Narratives
The Corps of Discovery in Teton Territory

Navigating Narratives The Corps of Discovery in Teton Territory Navigating Narratives is the newest exhibition by the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies (CAIRNS). The exhibit focuses on the eight days in September of 1804 when the Corps of Discovery traveled up the Missouri River through the land of the Teton people. It […]