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Lakota Legends

While American Indian culture has struggled to survive through centuries of displacement and assimilation, the stories and legends passed on from generation to generation refuse to die.
This is perhaps due to their common, timeless message of peace and harmony with nature and all living things.

Years ago, there were thousands of tribes, clans, and people of various beliefs and customs living in tipis and other dwellings.

People were hunting, fishing, and farming, only taking what was needed and making the most of every animal killed or plant harvested.

While cultures and customs varied, all Native American beliefs were rooted in a common belief . . . the universe was bound together by the spirits within the all-natural life of plants, animals, humans, water, air, and earth.

These are just some of the legends and stories of those told by the American Indian tribes of the Northern Plains.

*All legends were edited from historical documents and are believed to be of public domain.