The Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center serves many purposes. First, the Museum serves as an educational center for the Lakota (Sioux) boys and girls at St. Joseph’s Indian School. Next, the Museum stands as a tribute to the proud Lakota culture. All of the Museum’s resources also are shared with visitors from around the world. Because the Museum is supported entirely through tax-deductible, private donations, we invite friends to join our vision for the future. Support our mission by making your tax-deductible donation today!
Donating or Selling Objects to the Museum
Thank you so much for being interested in donating or selling items to the Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center’s permanent collection. The Aktá Lakota Museum collects art and historical objects explicitly related to Northern Plains Indian Tribes.
In order to consider your donation of artwork(s) or artifact(s), we require interested parties to submit a proposal via this form to be considered by our Curatorial and Collections Advisory Committee.
Unable or choosing not to use this form?
If you are unable or choose not to use this form, please submit a written proposal that includes the following information:
- Indicate whether you are offering a donation or sale. If the item is for sale, please provide the price and any conditions or terms.
- List the connections to Northern Plains Indian Tribes (Teton/Lakota, Dakota, Nakota; Cheyenne, Omaha, Ho-Chunk, and Hidatsa/Mandan/Arikara). This information is essential.
- Provide information about the object such as a general description, the name of the artist or manufacturer (if known), dimensions, date made, history of how it was made or used, and any other details you can provide.
- Include high-quality photos of the object. Visual documentation is vital to the acquisition process to help our staff assess the condition of the object.
Once we receive your complete proposal, our staff will carefully consider your offer and make a decision based on criteria such as:
• Its relevance to our mission
• How well it fits with plans for our collection
• Condition of the object
• Whether we can adequately care for it in the future.
We cannot accept all donations or sale offers. If we accept the object, we may ask you for formal documentation of ownership.
We respond to all proposals. However, it can take several months for us to respond.
Please note that we can neither offer appraisals nor can we recommend appraisers. For these questions, please visit the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) website or call ASA at 800-272-8258.
Mail written proposals to:
Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center
St. Joseph’s Indian School
Attention: Acquisitions Committee
Chamberlain, SD 57325
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Aktá Lakota Museum.
Proposal Information
Once we receive your proposal, Museum staff will carefully consider your offer. Depending on unique considerations of proposals, it can take anywhere from one to six months for us to respond. Please note that not all offers can be accepted.
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