Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities. Today our story is Matȟóla Ločhíŋ-he – Little Bear is Hungry. Written by the 9th-grade students at the Dupree High School Lakota Class (2020-2021) and illustrated by Tammy Joy Granados, Cheyenne River Lakota.
About the story: Little Bear is Hungry is about a hungry little boy. What did Mom cook today? Is it deer meat, pizza, hot dogs, lasagna, or a surprise?! This fun story practices questions and answers and ends with a traditional Lakota recipe for buffalo soup.
A cultural activity will follow the reading. The event is free and open to everyone – come join the fun!
June Schedule