Matȟóla Ločhíŋ-he

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities.  Today our story is Matȟóla Ločhíŋ-he – Little Bear is Hungry.  Written by the 9th-grade students at the Dupree High School Lakota Class […]

Navigating Narratives Exhibit
Opening Reception

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Navigating Narratives The Corps of Discovery in Teton Territory Opening Reception • June 24, 2023 • 2 — 5 pm The Aktá Lakota Museum cordially invites you to celebrate the opening of our newest exhibit, Navigating Narratives developed by the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies (CAIRNS) on June 24, 2023. 2:00 PM  […]


Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities. Today our story is TATANKA and the LAKOTA PEOPLE: A CREATION STORY, written and illustrated by Donald F. Montileaux, Oglala Lakota. […]

The Pine Ridge Porcupine

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities. Today our story is The Pine Ridge Porcupine written in 1942 by Ann Nolan Clark and illustrated by Andrew Standing Solider, Oglala Lakota. […]

The First Fire

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities. Today our story is The First Fire: A Cherokee Story written by Brad Wagnon and illustrated by Alex Stephenson. About the story:  […]

Muskrat and Skunk

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Story Time is offered every Tuesday at 10:30 AM CST. The program is geared toward elementary-age children but children young and old will enjoy stories read by elders of the Lakota and Dakota communities. Today our story is Muskrat and Skunk / Siŋkpé na Maká: A Lakota Drum Story.  Told and illustrated by Donald F. Montiieaux; […]

Scott Woster Book Signing

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Be among the first to get your signed copy of Brave Girl: A Story on the Wind at the Aktá Lakota Museum & Cultural Center, on the campus of St. Joseph’s Indian School, on Saturday, September 2 from 10.30 am until noon. Everyone is invited to attend.  The event is free and open to everyone!


Wóyake: Language in Lakota Art

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Open November 13, 2023 - April 30, 2024 Wóyake: Language in Lakota Art exhibit shares paintings and works that express wóyake the act of storytelling through words. Wóyake a Lakota verb signifies the act of storytelling, relating, speaking, or expressing through words.  The artworks for this exhibit are gleaned from the Aktá Lakota Museum’s permanent […]

Opening Reception

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

The Aktá Lakota Museum cordially invites you to celebrate the opening of our newest exhibit, Wóyake: Language in Lakota Art curated by David A. Meyer II. The exhibit shares paintings and works that express wóyake the act of storytelling through words. Artworks for this exhibit are gleaned from the Aktá Lakota Museum’s permanent Collections and […]

Poetry on the Road!

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

The South Dakota State Poetry Society is taking poetry on the road, and it is stopping at the museum! South Dakota’s State Poet Laureate, Bruce Roseland, along with other SDSPS member poets and special guests, will be visiting the Aktá Lakota Museum on November 16, 2023, from 6—8 p.m. They will give poetry readings and […]

Holiday Open House!

Aktá Lakota Museum St. Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, SD, United States

Support Small Businesses by joining us on Saturday, November 25 for our annual Holiday Open House!  Shoppers will enjoy a 30% storewide discount. We will be offering a craft project for the kiddos and refreshments.  All visitors are encouraged to sign up for door prize drawings— no purchase is necessary! Support our artists by shopping […]